In order to guarantee the desired quality and accessibility of academic cardiac and pediatric care in the Netherlands, preserve valuable pediatric IC capacity and safeguard adjacent care (such as for children with cancer), the MUMCs of Leiden, Utrecht and Amsterdam are joining forces. In a first step, we concentrate the current knowledge and expertise from pediatric cardiac surgery and cardiac catheterization in one cluster. This is in line with the NZa's advice on the future of academic pediatric cardiac care and also with the objectives of the Integral Care Agreement.
This concentration of knowledge and expertise creates a future-proof collaboration for pediatric cardiac care in the Netherlands. The three MUMCs see potential for future further broadening of cooperation in adult cardiac care and pediatrics.
The pediatric cardiac surgical teams from Utrecht and Leiden/Amsterdam (CAHAL, Centrum Aangeboren Hartafwijkingen Amsterdam Leiden) will work from one team in two locations from the first quarter in 2024. Professionals will have a fixed home base and will be deployed to the locations based on expertise and availability. For diagnostics and treatment, the team will work according to uniform policies, guidelines and protocols, which will be developed and monitored on a continuous basis. Thus, within one highly experienced team, we maintain expertise, infrastructure and integrated care pathways.
The concentration of rare procedures in one location, such as the Norwood (Utrecht) and the Nikaidoh (Leiden) can preserve unique areas of expertise and training opportunities for care. Long-term relationships and life-course programs with patients remain intact and can also lead to further synergy. All existing care will be retained for patients at locations familiar to them. Joining forces has other benefits. It creates a system where senior professionals transfer knowledge on an ongoing basis, providing employees with quality training. It also eliminates the need for non-performing compensatory measures.
Margriet Schneider (board of directors UMC Utrecht), Douwe Biesma, (board of directors LUMC) and Hans van Goudoever (board of directors Amsterdam UMC) see great benefits from this collaboration for their patients in particular: "This collaboration can serve as an example for the organization of pediatric cardiac surgery and for high-complex, low-frequency (academic) care in general. With a pediatric heart care cluster, we maintain the accessibility of pediatric heart care."
Arno Roest (pediatric cardiologist CAHAL), Dave Koolbergen (pediatric cardiac surgeon CAHAL) and Bram van Wijk (pediatric cardiac surgeon UMC Utrecht): "We will be delighted to work constructively as one team to set this up in a good atmosphere. With this, we lift pediatric heart care in the Netherlands to an even higher level in order to help more children."