Building on a (small) postage stamp Fixing an aneurysm today is lightning fast. Whereas a patient used to occupy a hospital bed for ten days, today it is at most one day, and soon it may even become a day treatment. Building a new OR is also faster nowadays than it used to be, at least that is how it went at the Groene Hart Hospital [...].
Nieuwste innovatie past in de ‘All-In’ strategie om meer CO2 op te slaan in product portfolio Interface, Inc. (NASDAQ: TILE), wereldwijd toonaangevend op het gebied van duurzame vloeroplossingen, onthuld de eerste CO2-negatieve nora® rubbervloerprototype: een vloertegel die meer CO2 opslaat tijdens de productie dan er wordt uitgestoten. Deze nieuwste innovatie is het eerste wapenfeit van […]
Bloezem focuses on the people who rely on our care From January 1, 2025, a new organization will operate in the Dutch healthcare sector: Bloezem. Bloezem offers personal and people-centered care through three care domains: Residential Care, Care at Home and Mental Health Care. With more than 2,500 (care) professionals, 62 residential care locations and 64 care teams, Bloezem is ready to provide a [...]